In given question statement followed by two courses of action numbers I, II and III. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and on the basis of the information given in the statement, decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follows (s) for pursuing.
Give answer(a) if only I follows, (b) if only II follows, (c) if either I or II follows, (d) if neither I nor II follows and (e) if both I and II follow.
Statement Footpaths of a busy road are crowded with vendors selling cheap items.
Courses of action I. The help of police should be sought to drive them away.
II. Some space should be provided to them where they can earn their bread without blocking footpaths.
if only I follows,
if only II follows,
if either I or II follows,
if both I and II follow.
The correct Answer is:D
Vendors are not meant for footpaths. So, they should be driven away from there. This is what I suggests. But will it not be an extreme action ? Yes, it will be. The vendors earntheir livelihood from that place and this action would snatch away their livelihood. This is what II suggests. But will it not be as incomplete action ? Yes, it will be. How can we be sure that the vendon would leave the footpaths if they are given alternative means of livelihood ? Therefore, the best action would be to provide alternative livelihood so that they earn their bread and to use force to drive them away so that foothpaths are cleaned. Hence, both I and II follow.
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