Statement: Cases of bride-burning for dowry are not uncommon.
Conclusions: I. Inspite of anti-dowry laws, the ill practice continues.
II. The punishment inflicted on the party concerned is not sufficient.
if conclusion I follows
if conclusion II follows
if both I and II follow
if either I or II follows,
The correct Answer is:A
The first conclusion is obviously valid as it is a restatement of the given sentence. The second may or may not be true.
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Knowledge Check
In each of the following questions, a statement is given followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. Give answer:
Statement: Cases of bride burning for dowry are not uncommon.
1. Inspite of anti-dowry laws, the ill practice continues.
II. The punishment inficted on the party concerned is not sufficient.Aif only Conclusion I followsBif only Conclusion Il followsCif either Conclusion I or II followsDif neither Conclusion i nor II followsStatement: Inspite of the claim of the government that terrorism is under check, killing continues.
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Statement: People who speak too much against dowry are those who had taken it themselves.
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II. People have double standards.
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View SolutionRead the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :
Cash or kind ?
The Ain on land revenue collection :
Let him (the amil-guzar) not make it a practice of taking only in cash but also in kind. The latter is effected in several ways. First, kankut: in the Hindi language kan signifies grain,and kut, estimates . . . If any doubt arises, the crops should be cut and estimated in three lots, the good, the middling, and the inferior, and the hesitation removed. Ofter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, too the land taken be appraisement, givens a sufficiently accurate return. Secondly, batai, also called bhaoli, the crops are reaped and stacked and divided by agreement, in the presence of the parties, But in this case several intelligent inspectors are required, otherwise, the evil-minded and false are given to deception. Thirdly khet-batai, when they divide the fields after they are sown. Fourthly, lang batai, after cutting the grain, they form it in heaps and divide it among themselves, and each takes his share home and turns it to profit.
(i) Write the name of any four land revenue system.
(ii) What was Kankut ?
(iii) Which system of land revenue is best and why ?
View SolutionStatement: A new case of fraud and misappropriation of Government fund has been detected in a certain state.
Courses of action: I. The case should be fully investigated.
II. The government should reconsider the mode of appropriation of its funds.
Officers concerned with the fraud should be punished.
View SolutionStatement: Despite the provision of legal punishments, the system of dowry remains prevalent in our society.
Courses of action: I. Focus should be diverted to proper execution of the legal provisions.
II. Stricter laws should be enforced by Parliament against dowry.
III. The youth should be persuaded to rebel against their parents and indulge in no-dowry marriages.
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