An aqueous solution of NaCl on electrolysis gives H2(g),Cl2(g), and NaOH accroding to the reaction :
A direct current of 25A with a current efficiency of 62% is passed through 20L of NaCl solution (20% by weight). Write down the reactions taking place at the anode and cathode. How long will it take to produce 1kg of Cl2? What will be the molarity of the solution with respect to hydroxide ion ? ( Assume no loss due to evaporation . )Solution in Kannada
a. At cathode:2Clc−→Cl2+2e−
At anode :2H2O+2e−→2c−OH+H2
b.[2e−+2F=2×96500C≡1molof Cl2=71g]
or 1F=96500C=1Eq or Cl2=35.5g
Since current efficiency is 50%
∴ Current =96.5×50100=96.52
Use direct relation,
c. Eq of c−OH formed=Eq of Cl2
d. pOH=−log[10−2]=2⇒pH=14−2=12
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A direct current of 25 ampere with a current efficiency of 62% is passes though 20 litre of NaCl solution (20% by weight).
Write drown the reactions taking place at teh electrodes.
(b) How long will it take to produce 1kg of Cl2 ?
(c ) What will be the molarity od solution with respect to OH− ?
Assume no loss in volume due to evaporation.
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