A solution M is prepared by mixing ethanol and water. The mole fraction of ethanol in the mixture is 0.9
Given: Freezing point depression constant of water
Freezing point depression constant to ethanol
Boiling point elevation constant of water
Boiling point elevation constant of ethanol
Standard freezing point of water = 273K
Standard freezing point of ethanol = 155.7K
Standard boiling point of water = 373K
Standard boiling point of ethanol = 351.5K
Vapour pressure of pure water =32.8mmHg
Vapour pressure of pure ethanol =40mmHg
Molecular weight of water =18gmol−1
Molecular weight of ethanol =46gmol−1
In anwering the following questions consider the solutions to be ideal dilute solutions and solutes to be non-volatile and non-dissociative.
The freezing point of the solution M is Solution in Kannada
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Properties such as boiling point, freezing point and vapour, pressure of a pure solvent change Propeties such as boiling point, freezing point and vapour, pressure of a pure solvent change when solute molecules are added to get homogeneous solution. These are called colligative properties. Applications of colligative properties are very useful in day-to-day life. One of its examples is the use of ethylene glycol and water mixture as anti-freezing liquid in the radiator of automobiles.
A solution M is prepared by mixing athanol and water. The mole fraction of ethanol in the mixture is 0.9
Given Freezing point depression constant of water (Kwaterf)=1.86Kkgmol−1
Freezing point depression constant of ethanol (Kethanolf)=2.0Kkgmol−1
Boiling point elevation constant of water (Kwaterb)=0.52kgmol−1
Boiling point elevation constant of ethanol (Kethanolb)=1.2kgmol−1
Standard freezing point of water =273 K
Standard freezing point of ethanol = 155.7 K
Standard boiling point of water =373 K
tandard boiling point of ethanol =351.5 K
Vapour pressure of pure water =32.8 mmHg
Vapour presure of pure ethanol =40g Hg
Molecular weight of water =18gmol−1
Molecules weight of ethanol =46gmol−1
In answering the following questions, consider the solutions to be ideal dilute solutions and solutes to be non-volatile and non-dissociative.
when solute molecules are added to get homogeneous solution. These are called colligative properties. Applications of colligative properties are very useful in day-to-day life. One of its examples is the use of ethylene glycol and water mixture as anti-freezing liquid in the radiator of automobiles.
A solution M is prepared by mixing athanol and water. The mole fraction of ethanol in the mixture is 0.9
Given Freezing point depression constant of water (Kwaterf)=1.86Kkgmol−1
Freezing point depression constant of ethanol (Kethanolf)=2.0Kkgmol−1
Boiling point elevation constant of water (Kwaterb)=0.52kgmol−1
Boiling point elevation constant of ethanol (Kethanolb)=1.2kgmol−1
Standard freezing point of water =273 K
Standard freezing point of ethanol = 155.7 K
Standard boiling point of water =373 K
tandard boiling point of ethanol =351.5 K
Vapour pressure of pure water =32.8 mmHg
Vapour presure of pure ethanol =40g Hg
Molecular weight of water =18gmol−1
Molecules weight of ethanol =46gmol−1
In answering the following questions, consider the solutions to be ideal dilute solutions and solutes to be non-volatile and non-dissociative.
The freezing point of the solution M is
View SolutionProperties such as boiling point, freezing point and vapour, pressure of a pure solvent change Propeties such as boiling point, freezing point and vapour, pressure of a pure solvent change when solute molecules are added to get homogeneous solution. These are called colligative properties. Applications of colligative properties are very useful in day-to-day life. One of its examples is the use of ethylene glycol and water mixture as anti-freezing liquid in the radiator of automobiles.
A solution M is prepared by mixing athanol and water. The mole fraction of ethanol in the mixture is 0.9
Given Freezing point depression constant of water (Kwaterf)=1.86Kkgmol−1
Freezing point depression constant of ethanol (Kethanolf)=2.0Kkgmol−1
Boiling point elevation constant of water (Kwaterb)=0.52kgmol−1
Boiling point elevation constant of ethanol (Kethanolb)=1.2kgmol−1
Standard freezing point of water =273 K
Standard freezing point of ethanol = 155.7 K
Standard boiling point of water =373 K
tandard boiling point of ethanol =351.5 K
Vapour pressure of pure water =32.8 mmHg
Vapour presure of pure ethanol =40g Hg
Molecular weight of water =18gmol−1
Molecules weight of ethanol =46gmol−1
In answering the following questions, consider the solutions to be ideal dilute solutions and solutes to be non-volatile and non-dissociative.
when solute molecules are added to get homogeneous solution. These are called colligative properties. Applications of colligative properties are very useful in day-to-day life. One of its examples is the use of ethylene glycol and water mixture as anti-freezing liquid in the radiator of automobiles.
A solution M is prepared by mixing athanol and water. The mole fraction of ethanol in the mixture is 0.9
Given Freezing point depression constant of water (Kwaterf)=1.86Kkgmol−1
Freezing point depression constant of ethanol (Kethanolf)=2.0Kkgmol−1
Boiling point elevation constant of water (Kwaterb)=0.52kgmol−1
Boiling point elevation constant of ethanol (Kethanolb)=1.2kgmol−1
Standard freezing point of water =273 K
Standard freezing point of ethanol = 155.7 K
Standard boiling point of water =373 K
tandard boiling point of ethanol =351.5 K
Vapour pressure of pure water =32.8 mmHg
Vapour presure of pure ethanol =40g Hg
Molecular weight of water =18gmol−1
Molecules weight of ethanol =46gmol−1
In answering the following questions, consider the solutions to be ideal dilute solutions and solutes to be non-volatile and non-dissociative.
The vapour pressure of the solution M is
View SolutionProperties such as boiling point, freezing point and vapour, pressure of a pure solvent change Propeties such as boiling point, freezing point and vapour, pressure of a pure solvent change when solute molecules are added to get homogeneous solution. These are called colligative properties. Applications of colligative properties are very useful in day-to-day life. One of its examples is the use of ethylene glycol and water mixture as anti-freezing liquid in the radiator of automobiles.
A solution M is prepared by mixing athanol and water. The mole fraction of ethanol in the mixture is 0.9
Given Freezing point depression constant of water (Kwaterf)=1.86Kkgmol−1
Freezing point depression constant of ethanol (Kethanolf)=2.0Kkgmol−1
Boiling point elevation constant of water (Kwaterb)=0.52kgmol−1
Boiling point elevation constant of ethanol (Kethanolb)=1.2kgmol−1
Standard freezing point of water =273 K
Standard freezing point of ethanol = 155.7 K
Standard boiling point of water =373 K
tandard boiling point of ethanol =351.5 K
Vapour pressure of pure water =32.8 mmHg
Vapour presure of pure ethanol =40g Hg
Molecular weight of water =18gmol−1
Molecules weight of ethanol =46gmol−1
In answering the following questions, consider the solutions to be ideal dilute solutions and solutes to be non-volatile and non-dissociative.
when solute molecules are added to get homogeneous solution. These are called colligative properties. Applications of colligative properties are very useful in day-to-day life. One of its examples is the use of ethylene glycol and water mixture as anti-freezing liquid in the radiator of automobiles.
A solution M is prepared by mixing athanol and water. The mole fraction of ethanol in the mixture is 0.9
Given Freezing point depression constant of water (Kwaterf)=1.86Kkgmol−1
Freezing point depression constant of ethanol (Kethanolf)=2.0Kkgmol−1
Boiling point elevation constant of water (Kwaterb)=0.52kgmol−1
Boiling point elevation constant of ethanol (Kethanolb)=1.2kgmol−1
Standard freezing point of water =273 K
Standard freezing point of ethanol = 155.7 K
Standard boiling point of water =373 K
tandard boiling point of ethanol =351.5 K
Vapour pressure of pure water =32.8 mmHg
Vapour presure of pure ethanol =40g Hg
Molecular weight of water =18gmol−1
Molecules weight of ethanol =46gmol−1
In answering the following questions, consider the solutions to be ideal dilute solutions and solutes to be non-volatile and non-dissociative.
Water is added to the solution M such that the fraction of water in the solution becomes 0.9. The boiling point of this solutions is
View Solutionसमांगी विलयन में विलेय के अणु मिलाने पर शुद्ध विलायक के गुण जैसे क्वथनांक, हिमांक तथा वाष्पदाब परिवर्तित हो जाते हैं। इन गुणों को अणु संख्यक गुण धर्म कहते हैं। अणु संख्यक गुणधर्म हमारे दैनिक जीवन में बहुत उपयोगी होते हैं। ऑटोमोबाईल के रेडियेटर में एथिलीन ग्लायकॉल तथा जल के मिश्रण का एन्टी-हिमीभूत द्रव के रूप में उपयोग इसका एक उदाहरण है।
एथेनॉल तथा जल के मिश्रण से एक विलयन M निर्मित होता है। मिश्रण में एथेनॉल का मोल प्रभाज 0.9 है।
दिया गया है : जल का हिमांक अवनमन स्थिरांक (Kजलf)=1.86Kkg mol−1
एथेनॉल का हिमांक अवनमन स्थिरांक (Kethanolf)=2.0K kg mol−1
जल का क्वथनांक उन्नयन स्थिरांक (Kजल)=0.52Kkgmol−1
एथेनॉल का क्वथनांक उन्नयन स्थिरांक (Kethanolb)=1.2Kkgmol−1
जल का मानक हिमांक = 273K
एथेनॉल का मानक हिमांक = 155.7K
जल का मानक क्वथनांक = 373K
एथेनॉल का मानक क्वथनांक = 351.5K
शुद्ध जल का वाष्पदाब = 32.8mmHg
शुद्ध एथेनॉल का वाष्पदाब = 40mmHg
जल का आण्विक भार = 18gmol−1
एथेनॉल का आण्विक भार =46gmol−1
इन प्रश्न का उत्तर देते समय, यह मान लीजिये कि विलयन आदर्श तनु विलयन है तथा विलेय अवाष्पशील तथा अविभाजित है।
विलयन M का हिमांक है
View Solutionसमांगी विलयन में विलेय के अणु मिलाने पर शुद्ध विलायक के गुण जैसे क्वथनांक, हिमांक तथा वाष्पदाब परिवर्तित हो जाते हैं। इन गुणों को अणु संख्यक गुण धर्म कहते हैं। अणु संख्यक गुणधर्म हमारे दैनिक जीवन में बहुत उपयोगी होते हैं। ऑटोमोबाईल के रेडियेटर में एथिलीन ग्लायकॉल तथा जल के मिश्रण का एन्टी-हिमीभूत द्रव के रूप में उपयोग इसका एक उदाहरण है।
एथेनॉल तथा जल के मिश्रण से एक विलयन M निर्मित होता है। मिश्रण में एथेनॉल का मोल प्रभाज 0.9 है।
दिया गया है : जल का हिमांक अवनमन स्थिरांक (Kजलf)=1.86Kkg mol−1
एथेनॉल का हिमांक अवनमन स्थिरांक (Kethanolf)=2.0K kg mol−1
जल का क्वथनांक उन्नयन स्थिरांक (Kजल)=0.52Kkgmol−1
एथेनॉल का क्वथनांक उन्नयन स्थिरांक (Kethanolb)=1.2Kkgmol−1
जल का मानक हिमांक = 273K
एथेनॉल का मानक हिमांक = 155.7K
जल का मानक क्वथनांक = 373K
एथेनॉल का मानक क्वथनांक = 351.5K
शुद्ध जल का वाष्पदाब = 32.8mmHg
शुद्ध एथेनॉल का वाष्पदाब = 40mmHg
जल का आण्विक भार = 18gmol−1
एथेनॉल का आण्विक भार =46gmol−1
इन प्रश्न का उत्तर देते समय, यह मान लीजिये कि विलयन आदर्श तनु विलयन है तथा विलेय अवाष्पशील तथा अविभाजित है।
विलयन M का वाष्पदाब है।
View SolutionA solution M is prepared by mixing ethanol and water. The mole fraction of ethanol in the mixture is 0.9. Given
Standard f.p. of water = 273 K
Standard f.p. of ethanol = 155.7 K
Standard b.p. of water = 373 K
Standard b.p. of ethanol = 351.5 K
Vapour pressure of pure water = 32.8 mmHg
Vapour pressure of pure ethanol = 40 mmHg
Molecular weight of water = 18 g mol−1
Molecular weight of ethanol = 46 g mol−1
consider the solutions to be ideal dilute solutions and solutes to be nonvolatile and non-dissociative.
Water is added to the solution M such that the mole fraction of water in the solution becomes 0.9. The b.p. of this solution is
View SolutionAn aqueous solution freezes at 272.4 K while pure water freezes at 273 K. Given Kf=1.86Kkgmol−1,Kb=0.512Kkgmol−1 and vapour pressure of water at 298 K = 23.756 mm Hg. Determine the following.
Depression in freezing point of solution
View SolutionFreezing point of an aqueous solution is -0.186^(@)C . If the values of K_(b)andK_(f) of water are respectively 0.52 K kg mol^(-1) and 1.86 K kg mol^(-1) then the elevation of boiling point of the solution in K is
View Solution