Henry law constant for oxygen dissolved in water is4.34×104atm at 25∘C. If the partial pressure of oxygen in air is 0.4 atm.Calculate the concentration ( in moles per litre) of the dissolved oxygen in equilbrium with air at 25∘C.Solution in Kannada
Given :
Henry's law constant,KH=4.34×104atm
According to Henry's law'
or χo2KH=0.44.34×104=9.2×10−6
Moles of water (nH2O)=100018=55.5mol
Mole fraction of oxygen (χO2)=nO2(nO2)+nH2O
Since nO2 is very small in comparison to nH2O,
or χO2×nH2O=nO2
or nO2=5.11×10−4mol
Since 5.11×10−4mol are present in 1000mL of solution, therefore , molarity = 5.11×10−4M.
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