The number of Schottky defects (n) present in an ionic compound containing N ions at temperature T is given by n=Ne−E/2KT, where E is the energy required to create n Schottky defects and K is the Boltzmann constant, If the mole fraction of Schottky defect in NaCl crystal at 2900K is X, then calculate −ln(x),
Given: ΔH of Schottky defect =2eV and
1eV=1.608×10−19JSolution in Kannada
The correct Answer is:−InX≡4
The number of Schottky defects (n) is given as:
Number of moles of ions = Number of moles of Schottky
defects =NNA.
Mole fraction of defect (X) is given as:
From Eq. (i)
(Since E=ΔH=2eV=2×1.608×10−19J) ,
∴ The value of E/2KT is
∴X=e−4/(e−4+1) The value of e=2.7
implies (2.7)−4(2.7−4)+1=0.0180.018+1
Taking (−In) of both sides
implies −InX≡4
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