Casium may be considered to form interpentrating simple primitice cubic crystal. The edge length of unit cell is 412 pm. Determine
a. The density of CsCl.
b. The inoic radius of Cs⊕ if the ionic radius of ClΘ is 181 pm. Given: Aw(Cs)=133gmol−1 Solution in Kannada
The interpenetrating simple primitive cubic crystals mean the unit cell is body-centred where ClΘ ions occupy corners and Cs⊕ ion and one ClΘ ion (or one molecule of CsCl) per unit cell.
From the expression, ρ=Zeff×Awa3×NA
Now since Cs⊕ ions touch the two chlorides along the cross diagonal of the cube, we will have
or rc=(√32)a−ra=(√32)(412pm)−(181pm)
=175.8 pm
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