The acid solution has a specific gravity of 1.8, when it contains 62% by weight of the acid. The solution is diluted to such an extant this its specific gravity is lowered to 1.2. what is the % by weight of the acid new solution.Solution in Kannada

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Let 100mL of the solution is taken
weight of solution =100×1.8=180g
100g fo solution =62g of acid
180g of solution =62100×180=111.6g of acid
Let xmL of H2O is added.
Now volume =(100+x)mL
New weight of solution =(180+x)g
(since xmL of H2O=xgofH2O,dH2O=1)
New density =180+x100+x
Solving for x. we get
weight of solution =180+300=480g
% weight of the acid =W2Wsol×100
