Differentiate between identical and fraternal twins.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Twins:
- Twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy.

2. Identical Twins:
- Identical twins are known as monozygotic twins. This means they develop from a single zygote, which is formed when one sperm fertilizes one egg (ova).
- After fertilization, the zygote undergoes division, leading to the formation of two embryos. These embryos share the same genetic material, resulting in individuals that are genetically identical.

3. Fraternal Twins:
- Fraternal twins are referred to as dizygotic twins. They develop from two separate zygotes, which means that two eggs are fertilized by two different sperm cells simultaneously.
- Since they originate from different zygotes, fraternal twins have different genetic makeups and can be genetically similar or different, leading to variations in appearance and sex.

4. Physical Similarities:
- Identical twins usually have very similar physical characteristics and are often indistinguishable from one another. They typically share the same sex.
- Fraternal twins can look quite different from each other and may or may not share the same sex. They do not have to resemble each other closely.

5. Genetic Makeup:
- Identical twins have identical genetic material, which means they have the same DNA.
- Fraternal twins have different genetic material, as they come from two separate zygotes, leading to a mix of traits from both parents.

Summary of Differences:
- Origin: Identical twins (monozygotic) come from one zygote; Fraternal twins (dizygotic) come from two zygotes.
- Genetic Similarity: Identical twins are genetically identical; Fraternal twins are genetically different.
- Physical Appearance: Identical twins look very similar; Fraternal twins may look different.
- Sex: Identical twins are always the same sex; Fraternal twins can be of the same or different sexes.
