Study the two cases carefully, What would be the correct interpretation of the two cases ?
Solution in Tamil
Case I and II : X-linked recessive disease
The correct Answer is:A
Case I : It is an example of sex-linked recessive disease. The sex-linked inheritance follows criss-cross inheritance where father does not pass the sex-linked allele of a trait to his son. The same is passed to the daughters from the where it reaches the grandson. In the given case, the mother is affected, father is normal and sons are always diseased (just as mother) Therefore, X-linked recessive allele is being expresses from the mother to the sone. The recessive allele expresses itself in males because Y chromosome does not carry any corresponding allele. So, mother who is homoygous for the recessive trait, transfers the trait to all the sone
Case II : Here both sone and daughters have the possibility of getting disease thus the gene is autosomal. if we consider this gene dominant then there are two possibilities
Possibility 1 can match with he given case. If we consider the gene for the disease to be recessive then there are two possibilities :
Possibility 2 match with the given case. But if we look at options, option (a) is best suited regarding both the cases.
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View SolutionA diseased man marries a normal woman.They get three daughters and five sons were normal . The gene of this disease is :
View SolutionA diseased man marries a normal woman.They get three daughters and five sons were normal . The gene of this disease is :
View SolutionA diseased man marries a normal woman. They get three daughter and five sons. All the daughters were diseased and sons were normal. The gene of this disease is?
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