Assertion: In nature, the recycling of carbon is essentially a self-regulating feedback system.
Reason: The reservoir pool of carbon consists of free CO2 in the atmosphere.
(a) Assertion and reason, both are correct. Reason is the correct explanation for assertion.
(b) Assertion and reason, both are correct. Reason is not the correct explanation for assertion.
(c) Assertion is correct but reason is not correct.
(d) Reason is correct but assertion is not correct.Solution in Tamil
The correct Answer is:C
Biogeochemical cycle of carbon is a gaseous cycle. Its cycling pool consists of 6×1014kg(29%) of free CO2 in the oceans. Oceans also regulate the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Reservoir pool of carbon is lithosphere. Lithosphere contains 2.8×1021 kg of carbon. Natural exchange between lithosphere and hydroshpere or atmosphere is a very slow process. Major exhange in carbon cycle occurs between organisms and the atmosphere or hydrophere. This cycling is a self-regulated feedback system but has recently been upset due to rapid deforestation and increasing combustion of fossil fuels.
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