Given figure represents a pyramid of biomass in an aquatic ecosystem.
Identify A and B and select the correct answer.
(i) A is the crop which supporsts and B is the crop which is supported.
(ii) A is the crop which is supported and B is the crop which supports.
(iii) A is phytoplanktons and B is zooplanktons.
(iv) A is zooplanktons and B is phytoplanktons. Solution in Tamil
I and iv
ii and iii
I and iii
ii and iv
The correct Answer is:C
The given pyramid represents pyramid of biomass in an aquatic ecosystem. In this pyramid, biomass of phytoplanktons, i.e., producers (represented by A ) is smaller than that of zooplanktons, i.e., primary consumers ( represented by B). Phytoplanktons support zooplanktons as the latter feed upon them.
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A व B को पहचानें और सही उत्तर का चयन करें।
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