In a microbiology laboratory, the technician uses heat to sterilise the nutrient solution that is used to grow a fungus. When the heating system broke down, he sterilised the solution by passing it (in a sterile environment) through a sterile filter with a pore size of 0.2 micrometers. when the fungs was grown on the filtered nutrient solution, it stopped growing and looked unhealthy within a few days. which statements is the most likely explanation for the observed effects on the fungus ? Solution in Tamil
The nutrient solution contained a virus.
Heating makes the glucose in the nutrient solution more digestible
Filering removed one of the larger nutrient molecules
The nutrient solution contained a bacterium that was pathogenic to the fungus.
The correct Answer is:A
The nutrient solution could have contained a virus which passed easily through the sterile filter of pore size of 0.2 micrometer. This caused retarded and unhealthy growth of the fungus.
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