Consider the following statements each with one or two blanks.
(i)Each pectoral girdle consists of a (A) and (B) .
(C) is a condition of rapid spasms (wild contractions) in muscle due to low Ca++ in body fuild.
Each organised skeletal muscle in our body is made of a number of (D) held together by a common collagenous connective tissue layer called (E) .
Which one of the following options correctly fills the blannks in any two the statements ? Solution in Tamil
(C ) - Muscular dystrophy, (D) - fascia, (E) - fascicle
(A) - Clavicle, (B) - scapla, (C ) - Tetany
(A) - ilium,(B) ischium, (D) - fascicles, (E) - fascia
(C )-Myasthenia gravis, (D)-Fascicles, (E) - fascia
The correct Answer is:B
A-Clavicle: B-Scapula, C-Tetany, D-Fascicles, E-Fascia
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