Assertion:Vestibular apparatus helps us in maintaining balance of body and posture.
Reason:Due to the arrangement of semicircular canals of vestibular apparatus, movement of head in any direction will stimulate sensory cells to maintain dynamic equilibrium.Solution in Tamil
If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
If assertion is true but reason is false.
If both assertion and reason are false.
The correct Answer is:A
The inner ear contains a complex sysetem called vestibular apparatus, located above the cochlea. The vestibular apparatus is composed of three semi-circular canals and the otolith organ consosting of the saccule and utricle. Each semi-ciucular canal lies in a different plane at right angles, to each other. The membraneous canals are suspended in the perilymph of the bony canals. The base of canals is saccule and utricle contain a projecting which has hair cells. The crista and macula are the specfic receptors of the vestibular apparatus responsible for maintenence of balance of the body and posture. Movement of the head in any direction will stimulate the sensory cells of atleast one crista.
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