Two neurons, A and B, synapse onto a third neuron, C.If neurotransmitter from A opens ligand-gated channels permeable to and and neurotransmitter from B opens ligand-gated channels, which of the following statements is true ?Solution in Tamil
An action potential in neuron A causes a depolarisation in neuron B.
An action potential in neuron B causes a depolarisation in neuron C.
Simultaneous action potentials in A and B will cause hyperpolarisation of neuron C.
Simultaneous action potentials in A and B will cause less depolarisation of neuron C than if only neuron A fired an action potential.
The correct Answer is:D
Once neurotransmitters are released from the pre-synaptic axon terminal, they diffuse across the cleft.This results in binding of neurotransmitter to receptor and opening or closing of specific ion channels in the post-synaptic plasma membrane.Usually at an excitatory snapse, channels in the post-synaptic cell that are permeable to and other small positive ions open, but flux dominates, because it has the largest electrochemical gradient.At inhibitory synapses, channels to or open.In the given situation, the neuron B sends inhibitory pre-synaptic signals onto post-synaptic neuron C which would summate (subtract from ) with the amplitude of excitatory pre-synaptic signal caused by neuron A.Therefore depolarisation will be of lower amplitude.
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View Solutionदो न्यूरॉन्स A व B, तीसरे न्यूरॉन C के साथ सिनेप्स बनाते हैं।यदि A से निकला न्यूरोट्रॉन्समीटर लिगेन्ड गेटेड चैनल्स को खोलता है जो Na+ व K+ के लिये पारगम्य हो जाते हैं और B का न्यूरोट्रान्समीटर लिगेन्ड गेटेड C चैनल्स को खोलता है, तो निम्न में से कौन-सा कथन सही है?
View Solutionतन्त्रिका तन्तु के पुनधुवण या रीपोलेराइजेशन के दौरान निम्नलिखित में से क्या पाया जाता है
(i) खुले Na+ चैनल (ii) बन्द Na+ चैनल
(iii) बन्द K+ चैनल (iv) खुले K+' चैनल
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