Read the following statement and select the correct option
Statement 1 : Cardiac muscle of the heart is striated and has intercalated discs between its fibres (cells)
Statement 2 : It provides quick, powerful and rhythmic contractions to the heart.Solution in Tamil
Both statement 1 and 2 correct
statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect
statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2 is correct
Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect
The correct Answer is:A
Cardiac muscles are present in heart. Cardiac muscle tissue fibres show the characters of both striated and unstriated muscle fibres. The myofibrils have dark and light bands, thus they are striated but they are not under the control of the will of the animal, thus they are involuntary. They have intercalated discs at intervals. These discs permit the wave of muscle contraction to be transmitted from one cardiac fibre to another. This provides quick, powerful and rhythmic contractions to the heart.
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