Rs 975 is distributed among Anuj, Bharat and Shekhar. The proportion of their shares is 3 : 4 : 8 respectively. What is the share of Bharat?
975 रुपये अनुज, भरत और शेखर के बीच बांटे गए | उनके हिस्सों का अनुपात क्रमशः 3 : 4: 8 था| भरत का हिस्सा ज्ञात करें |
Rs 198
Rs 260
Rs 280
Rs 296
The correct Answer is:B
Step by step video & text solution for Rs 975 is distributed among Anuj, Bharat and Shekhar. The proportion of their shares is 3 : 4 : 8 respectively. What is the share of Bharat? 975 रुपये अनुज, भरत और शेखर के बीच बांटे गए | उनके हिस्सों का अनुपात क्रमशः 3 : 4: 8 था| भरत का हिस्सा ज्ञात करें | by Maths experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 14 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Similar Questions
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