Convert the following into decimal.
To convert the fraction 25 into decimal form, follow these steps:
1. Set up the division: We need to divide 2 by 5. This can be written as 2÷5.
2. Determine if 2 can be divided by 5: Since 2 is less than 5, we cannot divide it directly. Therefore, we will add a decimal point and a zero to the number 2, making it 2.0.
3. Rewrite the division: Now, we are dividing 20 by 5 (since we added a decimal point and a zero).
4. Perform the division:
- 5 goes into 20 exactly 4 times because 5×4=20.
- Write down 4 as the quotient.
5. Calculate the remainder:
- Since 20−20=0, the remainder is 0.
6. Combine the results: The quotient we found is 0.4. Therefore, 25=0.4.
Final Answer:
The decimal equivalent of 25 is 0.4.
- 5 goes into 20 exactly 4 times because 5×4=20.
- Write down 4 as the quotient.
- Since 20−20=0, the remainder is 0.
The decimal equivalent of 25 is 0.4.
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