Direction: Read the information carefully and answer the question asked below.
Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W have to attend a meeting in October, November, December,
and January in this order. In each month the meeting is on either 7th or 14th of the month. Only one person
attends the meeting on a given date.
T attends the meeting on 7th of the month which has only 30 days. Only three people attend the meeting between
T and V. Two people attend the meeting between V and S. R does not attend the meeting on 14th of any months.
R and P attend the meeting in the same month but not in December. W and S attend the meeting on the same date
but W is not the last one to attend the meeting. Q does not attend the meeting on even number date.
Who among the following attends the meeting on 14th October?
Step by step video & image solution for Direction: Read the information carefully and answer the question asked below.Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W have to attend a meeting in October, November, December, and January in this order. In each month the meeting is on either 7th or 14th of the month. Only one person attends the meeting on a given date.T attends the meeting on 7th of the month which has only 30 days. Only three people attend the meeting between T and V. Two people attend the meeting between V and S. R does not attend the meeting on 14th of any months. R and P attend the meeting in the same month but not in December. W and S attend the meeting on the same date but W is not the last one to attend the meeting. Q does not attend the meeting on even number date.Who among the following attends the meeting on 14th October? by Reasoning experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 14 exams.
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