Given an input line the machine
arranges the words and numbers in steps in a systematic
manner as illustrated below :
Input : talk seven 37 48 given 83 likely 62
Step I : 37 talk seven 48 given 83 likely 62
Step II : 37 talk 48 seven given 83 likely 62
Step III : 37 talk 48 seven 62 given 83 likely
Step IV : 37 talk 48 seven 62 likely given 83
Step V : 37 talk 48 seven 62 likely 83 given
Step V is the last step for this input.
In the following questions the same logic as illustrated
above is to be used.
Second step of an input is 12 where 82 33 great wall 49
just. Which step will be the last step ?
The correct Answer is:A
After analysing the sample sequence, the pattern/rule
in each step for a word and number arrangement is as follows :
First step : Smallest number comes to the left most position
(first position). The remaining terms shifts rightwards .
Second step : Word comes last in the alphabetical order
shifts to the second position. The remaining terms shifts rightwards.
And son on.
So, the numbers are arranged in an ascending order
while the words are arranged in reverse alphabetical order alternately.
Note : At each step, position of only one number is altered.
Step II : 12 where 82 33 great wall 49 just.
Step III : 12 where 33 82 great wall 49 just.
Step IV : 12 where 33 wall 82 great 49 just.
Step V : 12 where 33 wall 49 great 82 just.
Step VI : 12 where 33 wall 49 just 82 great.
Therefore, step VI is the last step.
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