Express 5370683 in international unit system (words).


Five million three hundred seventy thousand six hundred eighty three


Five billion three hundred seventy million six hundred eighty three


Fifty three million seventy thousand six hundred eighty three


Five billion three million seventy thousand six hundred eighty three

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The correct Answer is:A

To express the number 5,370,683 in the International Unit System in words, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the number: The number we are working with is 5,370,683.

2. Break down the number into groups: In the International Unit System, we group the digits into sets of three, starting from the right. This gives us:
- 5 (millions)
- 370 (thousands)
- 683 (units)

3. Convert each group into words:
- The first group (5) represents "5 million".
- The second group (370) represents "370 thousand".
- The last group (683) represents "683".

4. Combine the words: Now, we put it all together:
- "5 million" + "370 thousand" + "683".

5. Final expression: Therefore, the number 5,370,683 in words is:
- Five million three hundred seventy thousand six hundred eighty-three.

Final Answer:
Five million three hundred seventy thousand six hundred eighty-three.
