For recruiting Agriculture Officers in an organisation, the following conditions apply. The candidate must.
(i) be an agriculture graduate with at least 65% marks,
(ii) clear the selection test with at least 50% marks,
(iii) secure at least 45% marks in interview,
(iv) be born on or after 1.11.1975 but not after 1.11.1984,
(v) be willing to work in rural area.
If the candidate satisfies all the above-mentioned conditions except
(A) at (i) above, but has passed post graduation in agriculture, the case may be referred to the Vice- President.
(B) at (iii) above, but has secured 60% or more marks in selection test and has secured at least 40% marks in interview, the case may be referred to the Chief General Manager.
In each question below, detailed information of one candidate is provided. You have to read the information provided carefully and dedde which 'of the following courses of action you will adopt as regarding status of the candidate based on the conditions stated above. You are not to assume anything other than the information provided in each question. All these cases are given as on 1.11.2005. Study the information of candidate in each question and dedde the course of action.
Avinash is 24 years of age and has passed graduation and post graduation in agriculture with 67% and 69% marks respectively. He has secured 70% marks in selection test and 42% marks in interview.
if the candidate is to be selected.
if the case is to be referred to the Vice- President.
if the case is to be referred to the Chief General Manager.
if the information in the question is not adequate to take the decision.
The correct Answer is:D
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(i) कोई एक निश्चित अंक चार बार ऊपर आता है।
(ii) कोई एक निश्चित अंक कम से कम चार बार ऊपर आता है।
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