Mother and father of a person with 'O' blood group have 'A' and 'B' blood group respectively. What would be the genotype of both mother and father ?Solution in Odia
Mother is homozygous for 'A' blood groups and father is heterozygous for 'B'
Mother is heterozygous for 'A' blood group and father is homozygous for 'B'
Both mother and father are heterozygous for 'A' and 'B' blood group, respectively.
Both mother and father are homozygous for 'A' and 'B' blood group respectively.
The correct Answer is:C
If mother and father of a person with 'O' blood group have 'A' and 'B' group then both mother and father will be heterozygous for 'A' and 'B' blood group respectively
The progeny with genotype 'ii' will have 'O' blood group.
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