Study the given flow chart and select the correct statement regarding this.
(i) It represents phosphorus cycling in a terrestrial ecosystem.
(ii) It represents phosphorus cycling in an aquatic ecosystem.
(iii) Natural resenvoir of phosphorus is phosphate rocks.
(iv) There is no repiratory release of phosphorus into atmosphere.
(v) Gaseous exchange of phosphorus between organisms and enviornment occurs to a considereable extent. Solution in Odia
I,ii and v
I,iii and iv
ii,iii and iv
I,iii,iv and v
The correct Answer is:B
The flow chart represents phosphorus cycling in a terrestrial ecosystem because phosphorus cycle is a sedimentary cycle and its reservoir pool is lithosphere. Rocks are the natural reservoir of phosphorus, in the form of insoluble ferric and calcium phosphate. when rocks are weathered, minute amounts of these phosphates dissolve in soil solution and these inorganic phosphates (PO3−4,HPO2−4,orH2PO4) are absorbed by plants from the soil and water bodies and eventually pass into animals through food chains. There is no repiratory release of phosphorus. Gaseous exhcange of phosphorus between organisms and envirmonet are negligilbe.
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