Morgan hybridised yellow-bodied, white-eyed females to brown-bodied red-eyed males and intercrossed their F1 progeny. He observed that
(a) F2 ratio was deviated very significantly from the 9:3:3:1 ratio
(b) Both genes did not segregate independently of each other
(c) Recombinant types are not obtained in F2 generation
(d) Both genes segregate independently of each other
Select the correct set of statements :Solution in Odia
Cellular, helobial, free nuclear
Cellular, free nuclear, helobial
Helobial , free nuclear, cellular
Free nuclear, cellular, helobial
The correct Answer is:C
In free nuclear endosperm, the primary endosperm nucleus divides repeatedly without wall formation to produce a large number of free nuclei, e.g., maize, sunflower, Capsella, etc. in cellular endosperm every division of the primary endosperm nucleus is followed by cytokinesis. Therefore, endosperm becomes cellular from the very beginnning, e.g., Balsam, Dutura, Petunia. Helobial endosperm occurs in order Helobiales of monocots. The endosperm is of intermediate type between cellular and nuclear types e.g., Asphodelus.
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