Refer to the following figures regarding division bryophyta.
(i). 'A' are the androcyte mother cells of the antheridium,
which give rise to a large number of biflagellate male gametes.
(ii). 'B' is the autheridial chamber and 'C' is multicellular stalk of antheridium.
(iii). 'D' and 'E' respectively represents venter canal cells and neck canal cell of the femal sex organ.
(iv). 'F' is the egg cell of the archegonium, which usually possesses severatl female gameters.
Which of the following combinations of above statements is incorrect?Solution in Odia
(i) and (ii)
(iii) and (iv)
(ii) and (iii)
(i) and (iv)
The correct Answer is:B
The given figures belong to antheridium (male sex organ) and achegonium (female sexorgan) of marchantia (a bryophyte). The mature antheridium is an ovoid object raised on a short, multicellular stalk (labelled as C). The stalk attaches the antheridium to the floor of the antheridial chamber (labelled as B). the body of the antheridium has a jacket layer of sterile cells constituting its wall. the latter encloses a mass of androcyte mother cells (labelled as A). Androcyte mother cells given rise to a large numberof biflagellate mole gamets (sperms). the body of the acrhegonium consists of two parts, the venter (lebelled as E) and the neck (labelled as D). The venter forms the swollen,basal portion ofthe archegonium, it is continued into the long, slender tubular neck. the venter consists of awall of a single layer of sterile cells enclosing the venter cavity . the latter contains a small upper ventral canal cell and alower larger egg or ovum (labelled as F).
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(i) 'A' पुंधानी की एन्ड्रोसाइट मातृ कोशाएँ हैं जो द्विकशाभिक नर युग्मकों की बड़ी संख्या जो जन्म देती हैं।
(ii) 'B' पुंधानी को कोष्ठ तथा 'C' पुंधानी का बहुकोशीय वृत्त है।
(iii) 'D' एवं 'E' क्रमश: वेन्टर कैनाल कोशाओं तथा मादा लैंगिक अंग की नेक कैनाल कोशा को दर्शाते हैं।
(iv) 'F' स्त्रीधानी की अण्ड कोशिका है, जिसमें प्राय: अनेक मादा युग्मक होते हैं।
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