x and y start moving towards each other from two places 200 m apart. After walking 60 m, y turns left and goes 20 m, then he turns right and goes 40 m. He then turns right again and comes back to the road on which he had started walking. If x and y walk with the same speed, what is the distance between them now ?
20 m
30 m
40 m
50 m
The correct Answer is:C
The journey of they is as shown in Fig.
i.e. B to P, P to Q, Q to R and R to S.
PS = RQ = 40m BS = (40 + 60) = 100 m
So, journey of y = BS = 100 m.
Since x and y travel with the same speed, x will travel the same speed along the horizontal as y travels in the same time i.e, (60 + 20 + 40 + 20) m = 140 m
So, x travels 140 m upto P.
Therefore, the required distance between x and ,y=PS=(BS-BP)=(100-60)m=40m
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