In the following question, a sentence with two blanks is given, indicating that something has been omitted. The sentence is followed by two columns, I and II, each carrying three words. One or more than one of the three words mentioned in column I will the first blank. Similarly, one or more than one of the three words mentioned in column II will the second blank. You have to identify the correct pair(s) of words that would fill the blanks to make the sentence grammatically correct and meaningful. Them mark the relevant option as your answer.
French revolutionaries _____I______ death by guillotine to be a more ______II______ method of execution.
I IIa. disregarded d. humane b. considered e. cruelc. neglected f. merciful
A)a-d, c-f, a-e
B)b-d & b-e & b-f
C)a-e & a-f
D) c-f & c-d
The correct Answer is:B
The sentence talks about what French revolutionaries thought about guillotine as a method of the death. Thus, word ‘b’ fits perfectly as it means ‘having been thought about carefully’. In the second blank, words d, e and f fit perfectly. Thus, option B is the correct.
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