Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
There are five vehicles of different types viz., Bus, Van, Bike, Truck and Jeep in a garage but not necessarily in the same order. They are serviced at different timing in a single day. The duration of their servicing in the garage may or may not be different. The total duration of the servicing in the garage by the mechanic is of 11 hours. There is no gap between the servicing time of all vehicles. The duration of servicing is either a full hour or half an hour but not in one third or one fourth. The van was serviced in the garage from 12:30 pm to 3 pm. Jeep was taken for servicing immediately after the Van. The servicing hour of Jeep in the garage is three hours. The duration of servicing of Truck is more than the duration of servicing of Bike in the garage by 1 hour. Truck was serviced just after the servicing of Bike. The truck was not serviced at the last. The bus was serviced in the garage before Van but not immediately before. The duration of servicing of the bus is of 1.5 hours. The servicing of the bike is after 6:00 am.
What is the duration (in hours) of the Bike’s servicing?
2.5 hour
3 hour
3.5 hour
1.5 hour
The correct Answer is:D
As the total time is 11 hours on adding all given times we will get bike serviced for 1 and half hour and Truck for 2 and half hours.
Jeep has to be serviced after Van and as per the given condition the first vehicle will be Bus followed by Bike,Truck,Van and Jeep and accordingly the following time is obtained
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