Assertion (A) : The human population represents the logistic curve .
Reason (R ) : When the resources are limited leading to competion between individuals and survival of fittest , the populaiton tends to grow in a logistic manner .
Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A)
Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A)
Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
The correct Answer is:A
To analyze the given assertion and reason, we will break down the concepts of logistic growth and the implications of limited resources on population dynamics.
1. Understanding the Assertion (A):
- The assertion states that "The human population represents the logistic curve."
- Logistic growth is characterized by an initial exponential increase in population size, which eventually slows down as the population reaches the carrying capacity of the environment. This is often depicted as an S-shaped curve.
2. Understanding the Reason (R):
- The reason states that "When the resources are limited, leading to competition between individuals and survival of the fittest, the population tends to grow in a logistic manner."
- This statement explains that limited resources (like food, water, and space) create competition among individuals, which in turn affects population growth. As resources become scarce, the growth rate decreases, leading to a stabilization of the population size around the carrying capacity.
3. Evaluating the Truth of the Statements:
- Both the assertion and the reason are true. The human population does exhibit logistic growth due to the limitations imposed by available resources.
- The reason correctly explains why the human population follows a logistic growth pattern, as competition for limited resources leads to a balance between birth rates and death rates.
4. Conclusion:
- Since both the assertion and the reason are true, and the reason provides a correct explanation for the assertion, we can conclude that the relationship between the two statements is valid.
Final Answer:
Both the assertion (A) and the reason (R) are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
- The assertion states that "The human population represents the logistic curve."
- Logistic growth is characterized by an initial exponential increase in population size, which eventually slows down as the population reaches the carrying capacity of the environment. This is often depicted as an S-shaped curve.
- The reason states that "When the resources are limited, leading to competition between individuals and survival of the fittest, the population tends to grow in a logistic manner."
- This statement explains that limited resources (like food, water, and space) create competition among individuals, which in turn affects population growth. As resources become scarce, the growth rate decreases, leading to a stabilization of the population size around the carrying capacity.
- Both the assertion and the reason are true. The human population does exhibit logistic growth due to the limitations imposed by available resources.
- The reason correctly explains why the human population follows a logistic growth pattern, as competition for limited resources leads to a balance between birth rates and death rates.
- Since both the assertion and the reason are true, and the reason provides a correct explanation for the assertion, we can conclude that the relationship between the two statements is valid.
Both the assertion (A) and the reason (R) are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
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