Efficiency of capital has long been an area of neglect and remains so. This aspect is underscored in the eleventh plan draft, ironically in its demand for the rate of investment being raised to 35.1% of GDP from 29.1% in 2004–2005. The irony lies in the fact that the planning commission has consistently relied on the Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) as tool of expediency rather than one designed to promote efficiency. Yet, the ratio conceptually seeks to get the most out of the capital stock that is existing and is being added. The ratio now is 3.7, i.e the capital needed for an out-put of 1 is 3.7 times. If the effective ratio is brought down during 2007-2012, then it would be possible to achieve a GDP growth value of 8.9% over the period with a lesser level of investment than 35.1%. Nobody doubts that capital formation is critical to a higher rate of growth in GDP, but efficiency lies not so much on the capital stock as its utilisation.
The issue of efficiency of capital is now assuming adequate importance from the Government of India.
If the inference is definitely true' i.e. it properly follows from the statement of facts given.
if the inference is probably true though not definitely true' in the light of the facts given.
If the data are inadequate, le from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false
If the inference is 'definitely falsele it cannot possibly be drawn from the facts given for it contradicts the given facts.
The correct Answer is:D
According to the passage, the first sentence of the passage "Efficiency of the capital has long been an area of neglect and remains so" contradicts the fact given in the statement.
Therefore, the given inference is definitely false,
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View Solution0.5 ऐम्पियर की धारा साम्थर्य 30 मिनट तक सिल्वर नाइट्रेट के जलीय विलयन में प्रवाहित करने पर 0.3124 ग्राम चाँदी कैथोड पर प्राप्त होती है । धारा - दक्षता की गणना कीजिए ।
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