Aviation is important, both as an industry in its own right and as a facilitator for the success and competitiveness of other industries. The success of the aviation industry is also integral to national competitiveness, economic development and social progress. More importantly, aviation supports those new economy sectors on which India's future prosperity relies, like information technology, biotechnology, finance and electronics. That India's air transport industry is on the rise is an undisputable fact. However, the Indian economy will only achieve its true potential if we are able to compete in the industries of the future. We need to be strong in the areas with potential to grow and the role of India's aviation sector is critical in this regard.
Aviation sector in India has not fulfilled its role in the past in its economic development.
If the inference is 'definitely true'. i.e. it properly follows from the statement of facts given
if the inference is probably true though not 'definitely true' in the light of the facts given.
If the data are inadequate i.e. from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false
If the inference is probably false, though not "definitely false in the light of the facts given.
The correct Answer is:B
According to the passlige, it seems probably true that the aviation sector in India has not been in good shape in the past.
Therefore, the given inference is probably true.
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अभिक्रिया Ag+/Ag व Cd2+/Cd के लिए मानक अपचयन विभव +0.80 तथा −0.40V है | (a) सेल का मानक वाहक बल (E∘)क्या है ?
(b) यदि Cd की सांद्रता 1M से घटाकर 0.1 M कर दें तो विधुत वाहक बल पर क्या प्रभाव होगा ?
View SolutionH2SO4 के एक विलयन का घनत्व 1.02gcm−3 है तथा भरानुसार इसका सांद्रण 15% है. विलयन की मोलरता एव मोललता की गणना कीजिये.
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