Read the given passage and decide whether the given inference is true or false.
It is generally accepted that if the monsoon is poor in any given year, it will have a significantly negative impact on the lives of millions. Some lives, such as those of the farmers, are affected directly because of poor crop yield, others are affected indirectly as the economic growth slows down. Similarly, the years with good monsoon bring smile and prosperity to the lives of many. For instance India recorded a sharp jump in its rate of growth after years of good performance in the recent years. This unfortunate cycle affects the lives of millions of poor and helpless. But it need not be this way. In the jargon of financial economics, monsoon risk is a diversifiable risk. In other words, it is an insurance risk. Thoughone might wonder who will provide the insurance against poor monsoons if everyone is adversely affected by poor monsoon? The answer is-the international investor.
Question : Majority of the people outside India are not affected by the poor monsoon in India.
If the inference is definite.", true! i.e. it properly follows from the statement of facts given.
if the inference is probably true' though not definitely true in the light of the facts given
If the 'data are inadequate, i.e. from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false
If the inference is probably false, though not 'definitely false in the light of the facts given.
The correct Answer is:B
According to the passage, it is quite probable that majority of the people outside India are not affected by the poor monsoon in India because in case the monsoonsfail, the international investors are theonly source to provide the insurance risk to Indians. Therefore, the given inference is probably true.
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