In this question below is given a passage followed by several inferences. you have to examine each inference seperately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity. Mark your answr as :
(a) If the inference is definitely true i.e. it direclty follows from the facts given in the passage
(b) if the inference is probably true though out definitely true in the light of the facts given
(c] If you think the data are inadequate from the facts given you can not say whether the inference is likely to be true or false .
(d) If you think the inference is probably false though out definitely false in the light of the facts given
(e) If you think the inference is definitely false i.e. it contradicts the given facts
Cotton Acreage in India during the current year has fallen by 10% as cotton growers had moved on cultivation of other cash crops. This is the result of the cotton glut in world markets in post-september 11 and the consequent slodown in the world economy . But this scenario brought with it benefits to one segment of the industry yarn- manufacturers , as they get higher prices for their produce. Some yarn manufacturers too had stocked up on low priced cotton last year. The combined effect of all this is evident in the rise in the net profits and net margins of yarn manufacturers.
There has been a huge drop in the supply of cotton during the current year.
If the inference is definitely true", i.e. it properly follows from the statements of facts given.
If the inference is "probably true" though not "definitely true” in the light of the facts given.
If the data are inadequate i.e., from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false.
If the inference is "definitely false", i.e. it cannot possibly be drawn from the facts given for it contradicts the given facts.
The correct Answer is:B
According to the passage, it is quite probable that due to a huge drop in the supply of cotton, prices of cotton have risen because of the fact that the yarn manufacturer who had stocked up on low-priced cotton have earned huge profits.
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View SolutionIn this question below is given a passage followed by several inferences. you have to examine each inference seperately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity. Mark your answr as :
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(b) if the inference is probably true though out definitely true in the light of the facts given
(c] If you think the data are inadequate from the facts given you can not say whether the inference is likely to be true or false .
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View Solutionदिए गए परिपथ में प्रत्येक शाखा में धारा का मान ज्ञात करे ? ।
View Solutionदिए गये विघुत परिपथ की सहायता से ज्ञात कीजिए
- (i) परिपथ में धारा , तथा
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View Solutionएक भिन्न इस प्रकार है कि यदि इसके अंश को 3 से गुणा किया जाए और हर से 3 घटाया जाए तो यह 1811 बन जाती है परन्तु यदि इसके अंश में 8 की वृद्धि की जाए तथा हर को दोगुना कर दिया जाए तो यह 25
View Solutionयदि एक भिन्न के अंश में इसका हर जोड़ दिया जाए और हर में से अंश घटा दिया जाए तो भिन्न 113 बन जाती है । भिन्न ज्ञात कौजिए यदि इसका अंश, हर से 3 कम है।
View SolutionA और B की आय में 9:7 का अनुपात और उनके खच्चों का अनुपात 4:3 है। यदि इनमें से प्रत्येक 4000 प्रति माई बचता है तो इनमे प्रत्येक की मासिक आय ज्ञात कीजिए । यदि प्रत्येक बुजुर्ग व्यकितयों के कार्यो में लगी सस्था में अपनी आय का 9% है तो इनमे प्रत्येक की परिणामी बचत ज्ञात कीजिए । यह कार्य दर्शाता है ।
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View Solutionएक रेखिक समीकरण दी गई है । दो चरो में एक ऐसी और रेखिक समीकरण लिखिए ताकि प्राप्त युग्म का ज्यामितीय निरूपण जैसा कि:
(i)प्रतिच्छेद करती रेखाए हो।
(ii) समान्तर रेखाए हो।
(iii) सम्पती रेखाए हो|
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