Statement: Should all those who are convicted for heinous crimes like murder, beyond all reasonable doubts be given capital punishment or death penalty ?
Arguments: I No. The death penalty should be given only in very rare and exceptional cases.
II. Yes. This is the only way to punish such people who take others' lives or indulge in human activities.
III. Yes. Such severe punishments only will make people refrain from such heinous acts and the society will be safer.
IV. No. Those who are repentant for the crime they committed should be given a chance to improve and lead a normal life.
Only II and IV are strong
All are strong
Only III is strong
Only II and III are strong
The correct Answer is:A
Argument I is weak because it is vague. The use of .only. keyword in argument II makes it weak. Argument III is strong because it states genuine or convincing reason. Argument IV is weak because it does not provide a convincing reason.
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(ii) समान्तर रेखाए हो।
(iii) सम्पती रेखाए हो|
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View Solutionनिम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार करें :
कथन I : यदि A और B प्रतिदर्श समष्टि S के संगत दो घटनाएँ ऐसा है कि P(A)=0.2 और P((B)=0⋅8 तो A⋃B एक सुनिश्चित घटना है |
कथन I : यदि A और B परस्पर अपवर्ती हों तो P(A)+P(B)=1 इन कथनो में :
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