In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to able to distinguish between "strong" arguments and "weak" arguments. "Strong" arguments must be both important and directly related to the question. "Weak" arguments may not be directly related to the question and may be of minor importance or may be related to the trivial aspects of the question. Each question below is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. you have to decide which of the arguments is a "Strong" argument and which is a "weak" argument:
Given answer (a) if only argument I is strong
Give answer (b) if only argument II is strong.
Give answer (c) if either argument I or II is strong.
Give answer (d) if neither argument I nor II is strong.
Give answer (e) if both arguments I and II are strong.
Statements: Should there be differential rate of income tax for for different income levels?
I. Yes, this is justified and those who earn less will be required to pay less tax in comparison to those who earn more.
II. No, this goes against the basic principle of equality among all the taxpayers and the rate of income tax should be same for all those who earn more than the stipulated amount
if only argument I is strong.
if only argument II is strong.
if either argument I or II is strong.
if neither argument I nor II is strong.
The correct Answer is:B
Argument I is weak as reducing the work of the officials of the income tax department is not the required purpose. Argument II is strong because reduced Govt. tax collection will badly affect the Govt. activities or functionality.
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