Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Seven people i.e. K, L, M, N, O, P and Q were born in different years i.e. 1973, 1978, 1982, 1985, 1992, 1993 and 1996. All of them like different colours i.e. Red, Black, Green, White, Blue, Orange and Yellow. All the information is not necessarily in the same order.
(Note: Consider the base year as 2021)
O was born after the one who likes Red colour but neither likes Green nor Blue colour. One person sits between K and the one who likes the Blue colour. The difference between the ages of those who like Black and Green colour is 3 years. The difference between the age of P and the one who likes White colour is 4 years. Three people were born between M and the one who likes Yellow colour. L was born just after the one who likes the Orange colour. Three people were born between L and the one who likes Black colour. Two people were born between the one who likes Blue colour and P. The age of K is a perfect square of a number. The number of people born after the one who likes White colour is same as the number of people born before M. N was born before L but neither likes Orange nor Blue colour.
How many people are elder than the one who likes Red colour?
The correct Answer is:A
1) The age of K is a perfect square of a number.
Here, we have two possible cases i.e. Case 1 and Case 2:
2) One person sits between K and the one who likes Blue colour. Here, we have one more possible case i.e. Case 1a:
3) Two people were born between the one who likes Blue colour and P.
4) The difference between the age of P and the one who likes White colour is 4 years.
5) The number of people born after the one who likes White colour is same as the number of people born before M.
6) Three people were born between M and the one who likes Yellow colour. Here, Case 1a gets eliminated:
7) L was born just after the one who likes Orange colour. Here, we have one more possible case i.e. Case 1b.
8) Three people were born between L and the one who likes Black colour.
9) The difference between the ages of those who like Black and Green colour is 3 years. Here, Case 1 gets eliminated.
10) N was born before L but neither likes Orange nor Blue colour.
11) O was born after the one who likes Red colour but neither likes Green nor Blue colour.
Here, Case 2 gets eliminated and we have the final arrangement:
Clearly, no one is elder than the one who likes Red colour.
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