In the following question, two columns are given, containing a connector and three phrases each. In the first column, the phrases are A, B and C and in the second column, the phrases are D, E and F. You have to make meaningful sentences using the connectors and from the phrases of both the columns. There are five options, four of which display the sequence(s) in which the phrases with the connectors can be joined to form a grammatically and contextually correct sentence.
Not only…but also
(A) The street door of the roominghouse was unlocked.
(B) The thieves stole the jewels.
(C) The staff at the consulate seemed insensitive.
(D) The staff was professionally inadequate.
(E) They smashed up most of the valuable furniture in the room.
(F) The street door of the roominghouse was wide open.
B-E and A-F
The correct Answer is:A
We use ‘on account of’ to introduce the reason or explanation for something.
Examples: 1) The President declined to deliver the speech himself, on account of a sore throat. 2) A newlymarried couple, he thought, on account of their walking so close together.
Part A talks about hurricane and E further elaborates on it by saying that the hurricane was the reason why their flight got cancelled. Thus they both make a pair. Thus we can negate options C and B. Part B and D make a pair however they don’t require a connector to connect them.
The correct sentence is: On account of the hurricane, our flight was cancelled.
Therefore going by the above explanation, we can say option A is the correct answer.
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