Read the following statements and answer the question given below. During peak hours the local trains of city M are chaotic. Generally, peak hours are a specific time period in the morning when everyone goes to work and in the evening when people return. Some people feel that the state government has not taken any measures in the past two years to deal with the situation.
Which of the following weakens the perception of the people?
In the past one year the state government has increased the frequency of trains in peak hours and has also increased the number of passengers per train.
In the past two years the state government has_~ received many petitions signed by the locals of city M travelling by trains, suggesting that much improvement is required in the current condition of the trains.
The first-class passengers of the local trains feel that their plight is worse than that of the second-class passengers in the trains.
As the population of the city is ever increasing due to high rate of migration and better job opportunity, there is a surge in the number of people travelling by trains.
The correct Answer is:A
Option A is a positive response to the situation. Hence, it weaknes the preception of the people.
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