Read the following statements and answer the question given below.
U.S. fraternity and sorority members who drink heavily while in school don’t tend to drink after graduation, according to a recent study in Psychology of Addictive Behaviours.
Which of the following would be a logical extension of the above passage?
Most men come out of a drinking binge after they cross thirty.
With graduation comes a sense of responsibility which makes students abstain from such vices.
Drinking begins as a group activity and as students leave these groups, the habit of drinking is also left behind.
Drinking heavily during college days make most students realize the harmful effects of alcoholic drinks.
The correct Answer is:C
The passage only provides the information that students drink in school but seem to stop binging after they graduate. Option [A] is incorrect as there is no mention in the passage that students are only males and that they graduate at thirty. Options [B] and [D] are incorrect because it is not mentioned so in the passage. Since the passage talks about student groups - .fraternity and sorority members. - a logical extension would be that it is these groups that prod students to begin drinking and with the breaking of these groups, the habit is also broken. Hence, [C].
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