Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
In a certain code language
‘form long single tired’ is written as ‘#G4 @E6 %M4 $D5’
‘large statue turn find’ is written as ‘@E6 #E5 $N4 %D4’
‘some liberty fix task’ is written as ‘%X3 $K4 #Y7 @E4’
‘tall figure like start’ is written as ‘$L4 #E4 @T5 %E6’ ###DONE###
Which of the following code for ‘long’?
The correct Answer is:A
In this code language, there are some letter given we have to find the exact code used for them.
Example- long
Step I- first we will count the letters of that word that is 4, then we put digit 4 at the right end.
Step II- we will put the last letter of that word then it will like- G4
Step III- at the last step ‘l’ is coded for ‘#’(first letter of each word is coded by a specific symbol like here ‘I’ is coded for ‘#’. We can find the first coded symbol by looking at the other given words. So ‘long’ will be- #G4
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