Derive an expression for electrostatic potential due to an electric dipole. Solution in Tamil

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(i) Consider two equal and opposite charges separated by a small distance 2a as shown in Figure. The point P is located at a distance r from the midpoint of the dipole. Let θ be the anlge between the line OP and dipole axis AB.
(ii) Let r1 be the distance of point P from +q and r2 be the distance of point P from -q.
Potential at P due to charge +q=14πε0qr1
Potential at P due to charge q=14πε0qr2
Total potential at the point P,
V=14πε0q(1r11r2) .........(1)
(iii) Suppse if the point P is far away from the dipole, such that a<<r, then equation (1) can be expressed in terms of r.
By the cosine law for triangle BOP,
Since the point P is very far from dipole, then a<<r. The term a2r2 is very small and can be neglected. Therefore
(or) r1=r(12arcosθ)12
(iv) Since arr<<1, we can use binomial theorem and retain the terms up to first order
1r1=1r(1+arcosθ) ......(2)
Similarly applying the cosine law for triangle AOP,
Since cos(180θ)=cosθ we get
Neglecting a2r2 (because r>>a)
Using Binomial theorem, we get
1r2=1r(1acosθr) .......(3)
Substituting equation (3) and (2) in equation (1),
(v) But the electric dipole moment p=2qa and we get,
Now we can write pcosθ=p.ˆr, where ˆr is the unit vector from the point O to point P. Hence the electric potential at a point P due to an electric dipole is given by
V=14πε0p.ˆrr2 (r>>a) .......(4)
Equation (4) is valid for distances very large compared to the size of the dipole. But for a point dipole, the equation (4) is valid for any distance.
Case (i) If the point P lies on the axial line of the dipole on the side of +q, then θ=0. Then the electric potential becomes
V=14πε0pr2 ......(5)
Case (ii) If the point P lies on the axial line of the dipole on the side of -q, then θ=180, then
Case (ii) If the point P lies on the equatorial line of the dipole, then θ=90. Hence
V=0 ......(6)
