Let p be an odd prime number and TP be the following
set of 2×2 matrices.
The number of A in Tp such that A is either symmetric or
skew-symmetric or both and det (A) divisible by p, isSolution in Kannada
The correct Answer is:B
If A is symmetric matrix, then b = c
Number of numbers of type
Total number of A=p×p×p=p3
Number of A such that det (A) divisible by p
=(p−1)2+ numbre of A in which a=0
Required number =p3−p2
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View SolutionLet p be an odd prime number and T_p , be the following set of 2 xx 2 matrices T_p={A=[(a,b),(c,a)]:a,b,c in {0,1,2,.........p-1}} The number of A in T_p , such that A is either symmetric or skew-symmetric or both, and det (A) divisible by p is
View SolutionLet P be an odd prime number and Tp be the following set of 2×2 matrices :
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