If A is a symmetric matrix, B is a skew-symmetric matrix, A+B is nonsingular and C=(A+B)−1(A−B), then prove that
(i) CT(A+B)C=A+B (ii) CT(A−B)C=A−B
(iii) CTAC=ASolution in Kannada
The correct Answer is:A
Given, AT=A,BT=−B,det(A+B)≠0
and C=(A+B)−1(A−B)
⇒(A+B)C=A−B ...(i)
Also, (A+B)T=A−B ...(ii)
and (A−B)T=A+B ...(iii)
=CT(A−B) [from Eq. (i)]
CT(A+B)T [from Eq.(ii)]
=(A−B)T [from Eq. (i) ]
=A+B[ from Eq. (iii)]
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