If u,v and w is a linearly independent system of vectors, examine the system p,q and r, where p=(cosa)u+(cosb)v+(cosc)w q=(sina)u+(sinb)v+(sinc)w r=sin(x+a)u+sin(x+b)v+sin(x+c)w for linearly dependent.Solution in Kannada

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Let l, m and n be scalars such that
lcosa+msina+nsin(x+a)=0 . .. (i)
lcosb+msinb+nsin(x+b)=0 . .. (ii)
lcosc+msinc+nsin(x+c)=0 . . . (iii)
this is a homogeneous system of linear equations in l, m and n.
the determinant of the coefficient matrix is
Δ=∣ ∣ ∣cosasinsin(x+a)cosbsinbsin(x+b)coscsincsin(x+c)∣ ∣ ∣=∣ ∣cosasina0cosbsinb0coscsinc0∣ ∣=0
(using C3C3sinxC1cosxC2)
So, the above system of equastions have non-trivial solutions also. this means that l,m and n may attain non-zero values also.
Hence, the given system of vectors is a linearly dependennt system of vectors.
