If l is the set of integers and if the relation R is defined over l by aRb, iff a - b is an even integer, a,b∈l, the relation R is:Solution in Kannada
The correct Answer is:A, C, D
aRb⇔a−b is an even integer, a,b∈I
a - a = 0 (even integer)
∴ R is reflexive relation.
Let (a,b)∈R⇒(a−b) is an even integer.
implies - (b-a) is an even integer
implies (b - a) is an even integer
implies (b,a)∈R
∴R is symmetric relation.
Now, let (a,b)∈R and (b,c)∈R
Then, (a-b) is an even integer and (b-c) is an even integer.
So, let a−b=2x1,x1∈I
and b−c=2x2,x2∈I
∴ (a-c) is an even integer.
∴ aRb and bRc implies aRc. So, R is transitive relation,
Hence, R is an equivalence relation.
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