Let R be a relation on the set N of natural numbers defined by n   R   m iff n divides m . Then, R isSolution in Kannada


(a) Reflexive and symmetric


(b) Transitive and symmetric


(c) Equivalence


(d) Reflexive, transitive but not symmetric

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(i) x divides x i.e., x R x, x N
R is reflexive.
(ii) 1 divides 2 i.e., 1 R 2 but 2 R 1 as 2 does not divide 1.
(iii) x divides y and y divides x implies x = y
i.e., x R y and y R x implies x = y
R is anti-symmetric relation.
(iv) x R y and y R z implies x divides y and y divides z.
implies kx = y and k' y = 2, where k, k' are positive integers.
implies kk' x = z implies x divides z implies x R z
R is transitive.


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