Given below are six sentences A-F, of which A and F are static and B-E have been jumbled.
Pick the option that gives the correct order of the jumbled sentences.
A. The King and Queen of Siam had several daughters.
B. So, the King named his daughters January, February, March till he came to the youngest whom he named September.
C. The princesses were very proud of their parrots and spent time teaching them to talk.
D. One year on his birthday, the King gave each of his daughters a green parrot in a cage.
E. The Queen said it confused her to remember so many names.
F. In a short while all the parrots could say "God save the King".
The correct Answer is:A
Step by step video, text & image solution for Given below are six sentences A-F, of which A and F are static and B-E have been jumbled. Pick the option that gives the correct order of the jumbled sentences. A. The King and Queen of Siam had several daughters. B. So, the King named his daughters January, February, March till he came to the youngest whom he named September. C. The princesses were very proud of their parrots and spent time teaching them to talk. D. One year on his birthday, the King gave each of his daughters a green parrot in a cage. E. The Queen said it confused her to remember so many names. F. In a short while all the parrots could say "God save the King". by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 14 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Similar Questions
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(इ) एड्स।
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