Name the reagent by which most aldehydes can be made to undergo Cannizzaro's type reaction. Give the relevant equation also. Solution in Bengali
Most of the aldehydes (with or without α-hydrogen atom) can be made to undego Cannizzaro's reaction with aluminium ethoxide i.e., Al(OC2H5)3 to give a mixture of alcohol (by reduction) and acid (by oxidation). The acid and alcohol then combine to give ester. The reation is called Tischenko Reaction and is illustrated by acetaldehyde.
2CH3CHOAcetaldehydeAl(OC2H5)3−−−−−−−→CH3COOHAcetic acid+C2H5OHEthyl alcohol−H2O−−−→CH3COOC2H5Ethyl acetute
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